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Antibody-Drug Conjugate Development Solutions

Accelerating ADC Development from Discovery to Clinic

ADCs address the limitations of traditional chemotherapy, such as poor specificity and high toxicity to healthy cells, offering a safer and more targeted approach to cancer treatment. Numerous ADCs have been approved in recent years to treat cancers such as breast cancer, lymphoma, and bladder cancer.

Currently, ADC development faces multiple technical challenges, such as selecting suitable targets and antibodies, linker stability, and complex quality control. Sino Biological provides comprehensive ADC development and production solutions, covering early discovery, process development, preclinical studies, and clinical research, to fully support clients throughout the ADC development process.

Click for more information about ADC development solutions.

More ADCs related products and services:

High-quality ADC Target Proteins

Anti-payload Antibodies: Facilitating ADC PK studies

ADC Antibody Discovery Solutions

Emerging ADC Target Antigens in Solid Tumors

[Interview] Antibody–drug Conjugates: A Breakthrough in the Targeted Therapy Era

[Application Note] Antibody-drug Conjugates: Smart Chemotherapeutics

[Application Note] Antibody-drug Conjugates: A Novel Paradigm for Cancer Therapy

[Minireview] The Research Landscape of Global ADC Drug Targets

Sino Biological Europe GmbH
Düsseldorfer Str. 40
65760 Eschborn


Sino Biological Europe GmbH

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