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Are you curious about volume imaging for very large samples?

Exciting ZEISS Webinar!

Join us for our webinar on 28 January 2025: 
Using Multimodal and Multiscale 3D-EM-XRM-LM Volume Imaging.

🗓️ Date: Tuesday, 28 January 2025
🕛 Time: 12:00 - 13:00

Our experts will explore how our central software platform integrates data from light, electron, ion, and X-ray microscopy (XRM) for enhanced correlative microscopy.


  • Data Integration: Seamlessly combine data from multiple microscopy techniques.
  • High-Throughput Imaging: Discover ZEISS's MultiSEM technology, achieving 3 TeraPixels per hour with 91 electron beams.
  • Neuroimaging Insights: Learn about our innovative approach to studying the human connectome.

👉 Register now!

We can't wait to see you there!


Carl Zeiss AB
Tegeluddsvägen 76
102 54 Stockholm
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5560353608

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