
Swedish cancer therapy granted

Pledpharma, Linköping University and Ryhov County Hospital receive a research grant from the Research Council FORSS to conduct clinical studies in cancer patients.
Pledpharma, a subsidiary of Accelerator, has together with the University of Linköping and Ryhov County Hospital in Jönköping received SEK 300 000 from the Research Council of the South East Sweden, FORSS, to test mangafodipir, known as PP-095, in patients with colon cancer.

Accelerator Nordic has an active majority ownership position in a number of development companies within Bio Pharma and Medical Technology. The Accelerator group is addressing large growth markets as oncology, imaging and the orthopaedic market. The group has a business model based on licensing. Accelerator focuses on projects in the stage of verification where there is a clear unmet need and large industrial players.

The clinical trials will test whether the PLED-derivative PP-095 reduces the frequency and severity of side effects during chemotherapy in cancer patients. Professor Ursula Falkmer at the Oncology Department at Ryhov County Hospital will serve as the principal investigator in the clinical studies.

Preclinical research has shown that PP-095 protects normal cells and tissues without loss of anti-tumour activity during cytostatic treatment.

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