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Manufacturing Difficult Proteins by Optimized Recombinant Technology

Recombinant Protein Expression Services

As a global leader in recombinant technology, Sino Biological is known for manufacturing extremely high-quality and difficult-to-express proteins. With proprietary expression platforms, high-throughput and scale-up capacities, and over 15 years of experience, Sino Biological can successfully develop the target of interest from gene synthesis to protein characterization, no matter how difficult the project is.

Learn more about Sino Biological’s recombinant protein expression services.


Services Highlights

Proprietary Technologies:

• Proprietary expression vectors, transfection reagents, culture media, etc.      

Fast Turnaround:

• 12 Days: From gene synthesis to 100 mg eukaryotic protein production

High-throughput & Scale-up:

• 1,000+ proteins per batch

• 80+ bioreactors: 2 – 1,500 L

• Flexible production scales: μg - kg level

Multiple Expression Systems:

• HEK293/CHO for transient and stable expression

• FucoFree HEK293/CHO to generate afucosylated proteins

• Baculovirus-insect cell

E. coli

Customized QC Options:

• SDS-PAGE, UV, HPLC-SEC, Endotoxin Test, MS, ELISA, Activity, etc.


Contact us to get a quote right now!


Featured CRO Services:

High-throughput Recombinant Antibody Production Service

Cell-free Platform for Antibody Expression

Bispecific Antibody Production Service

Sino Biological Europe GmbH
Düsseldorfer Str. 40
65760 Eschborn


Sino Biological Europe GmbH

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