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High-quality CAR-T Target Proteins

CAR-T therapy has achieved remarkable success in the treatment of various hematologic malignancies. Sino Biological has successfully developed recombinant proteins covering most of the investigational CAR-T cell therapy targets, supporting scFv screening and CAR expression testing in CAR development.

What Can Sino Biological Offer to Support CAR-T Research?

Sino Biological has built multiple technology platforms and developed multiple transmembrane target proteins such as GPRC5D, Claudin 18.2 and SSTR2, meeting various needs and supporting CAR-T drug research. In addition, Sino Biological provides hematological tumor and solid tumor target proteins with different tags. The proteins with high purity and high binding activity, have also been validated and cited in high-impact publications. Our expression systems promote proper protein folding and post-translational modifications to serve in your drug discovery programs.

Learn more about Sino Biological's CAR-T Target Proteins.

Our CAR-T Target Protein Highlights:

Popular CAR-T targets

• Solid tumor targets

• Hematological tumor targets

Multiple species

• Human, mouse, rat, cynomolgus monkey, rhesus monkey, etc.

Various proteins labeling

• Fluorescent labeled (FITC, PE)

• Biotin labeled

More outstanding quality

• High bioactivity, high purity, low endotoxin, and high batch-to-batch consistency


More CAR-T Related Products and Services:

CAR-T Therapy Solutions

CAR-T Cell Culture Cytokines

CAR-T Cytokine ELISA Kits

Sino Biological Europe GmbH
Düsseldorfer Str. 40
65760 Eschborn


Sino Biological Europe GmbH

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