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How Volume EM Advances Life Science Research

Free webinar series.

In a series of six webinars, we will explore the technological underpinnings of vEM imaging and highlight its growing number of application areas. We will focus on vEM-specific sample preparation, and then look in detail at individual vEM technologies: Array Tomography, Serial Block-Face SEM, and FIB-SEM. The webinar series will be rounded out with insights into advanced image processing, data analysis, and result visualization capabilities of workflow-oriented software solutions. Tune in to this series of six webinars and learn how vEM drives new discoveries in neurobiology, cancer research, developmental biology, plant science, and more.

Read more and register here.


Carl Zeiss AB
Tegeluddsvägen 76
102 54 Stockholm
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5560353608

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