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Promising Target Antigens for Cell Therapy of Solid Tumors

CAR-T therapy is now being expanded to target solid tumors using specialized CAR-T cells that attack specific antigens, and have shown promising results in some trials. Sino Biological provides a comprehensive range of reagents and services to support the development of CAR-T therapies targeting solid tumors.

Featured Recombinant Proteins and Corresponding Antibodies

To support cell therapy research for solid tumors, Sino Biological provides high-quality target proteins covering FAP, GPC3, HER2, L1CAM, CEACAM5, MSLN, IL-13RA2, EpCAM, PSMA, EGFR, and more. These recombinant proteins have been validated for activity, and are trusted by users as indicated by citations in top-tier journals. The antibody products for these target antigens are also available, with a variety of applications, such as ELISA, IHC-P, FCM, IP, and WB.

Click for more cell therapy target proteins and corresponding antibodies.

More about Cell Therapy:

[Products] Cytokines for Cell Therapy Research

[Solutions] Comprehensive CAR-T Therapy Development Solutions

[Solutions] Research Solutions and Support for CAR-NK Therapy Development

[In Focus] CAR-T and CAR-NK Cell Therapies Research Resources

Sino Biological Europe GmbH
Düsseldorfer Str. 40
65760 Eschborn


Sino Biological Europe GmbH

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