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Advancing Drug Discovery by Combining Complex In-Vitro Models with AI-Powered 3D/4D Image Analysis

Free webinar organized by ZEISS.

This webinar, organized by the ZEISS arivis team and hosted by Drug Discovery World, will showcase cutting-edge tools and technologies that address challenges faced by researchers during the analysis of complex in vitro models (CIVM) for drug discovery and development. Jointly presented by ZEISS and Inventia, the session will offer solutions to overcome these challenges and streamline the research process.

Key learning objectives: 

- Automation of complex in vitro model generation and quantification at scale
- Brightfield and fluorescent imaging techniques for 3D cell culture capturing
- AI and parallel computing for robust 3D hydrogel culture analysis
- Efficient drug response pattern detection across large 3D imaging datasets

Our Speakers:

Dr. Delisa Garcia, ZEISS arivis Business Development
Dr. Martin Engel, Principal Scientist & Sr. Business Development Manager, Inventia Life Science

Register to our webinar on November 14, 2024 at 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CET to learn more.

Register here.

Carl Zeiss AB
Tegeluddsvägen 76
102 54 Stockholm
Stockholms stad
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