
Life Science Sweden heads to the Oresund region! ‒ Hello there Michael Linnell

Life Science Sweden’s The Future of Swedish Danish Life Science and New Updates in Drug Formulation & Bioavailability meetings are coming up soon. We asked Michael Linnell, project manager for Life Science Sweden’s event portfolio, a few short questions.

At Life Science Sweden, we are always feeling particularly excited at the end of the summer. The reason for this is that two of our oldest and most appreciated annual meetings will take place at the beginning of September ‒ in close succession!

On 6 September, the scientific meeting New Updates in Drug Formulation & Bioavailability takes place in Copenhagen, and the following day, we open the doors to the industry meeting The Future of Swedish & Danish Life Science in Lund.

Why does the industry need these events and why should you attend?

“The New Updates in Drug Formulation & Bioavailability conference is, as the name suggests, about the latest drug formulation and bioavailability. As a participant, you will learn about new developments and current projects in an intensive and exciting seminar programme. Naturally, there will also be time for networking and refreshments between the presentations, and to take the opportunity to meet our exhibitors, who will be there all day,” says Michael Linnell.

The Future of Swedish & Danish Life Science annually attracts around 500 visitors from the life science sector and takes a broader approach to life science and the main challenges for the sector on both sides of Oresund.

“At this event, meeting your many industry colleagues and our 30 or so partner companies is as important as the highly topical seminar programme! This is a so-called “open door event”, where participants can come and go as they please during the day and move freely between the lectures and the lively exhibition.”

“For those who prefer to meet in a more formal setting ‒ no matter which of our events you attend ‒ you can book individual one-on-one meetings at designated meeting points. At all our events, we offer a digital tool that allows you to arrange meetings with other participants in advance.”

What can participants expect from the events?

“No matter if you attend both days or just one or the other, you can expect lots of new insights, new learnings and great networking opportunities. Take the opportunity to visit our “Oresund events” and add an important piece to your career puzzle!”

Find out more about the two events, take a look at the seminar programmes and book your ticket here:



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