
Johan Pehrson takes over the responsibility for research policy in Sweden

The Liberals' party leader Johan Pehrson takes over the assignment as Minister for Education. This was announced by Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) on Tuesday last week.

The new statement of Government Policy was presented at the opening of the parliament last week. Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson then presented changes in the government, including that Johan Pehrson (L) and Mats Persson (L) are switching ministerial posts with each other. Mats Persson takes over as Minister for Employment and Integration, while Johan Pehrson takes over as Minister for Education.

As Minister for Education Johan Pehrson will, in addition to higher education, be responsible for research policies. The life science office is also partly under the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Climate and Enterprise and the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs.

Johan Pehrson announced last week at a press conference that the government will increase funding for research and that it will invest in strategic and specific cutting-edge research and innovation.

– A strong research sector is what attracts international competence and is crucial for our universities to be able to maintain a very high quality, he said then.

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