
Swedish-Danish meeting at Medicon Village: “One of the most important life science congresses”

For the eleventh year, The Future of Swedish and Danish Life Science was held on Wednesday, and the event continues to function as a connecting link between the life science sectors of both countries. This year’s event attracted nearly 450 visitors.

“The day has been successful and inspiring, packed with exciting presentations revolving around this year’s three themes: innovation, financing and growth. We also had a fruitful panel discussion on the issues that biotech and medtech companies should consider before an IPO. This discussion will be broadcasted in the Life Science podcast later this month,” says Samuel Lagercrantz, Editor-in-chief of Life Science Sweden.

First on the agenda was a classic bell ringing from Nasdaq, followed by talks on financing and access to risk capital, life science companies’ growth opportunities and prospects for a sustainable future, and challenges and opportunities in women’s health. Other topics discussed were access to international competence and mentoring programmes for life science startups.

As per standard practice, the congress took place at Medicon Village’s premises in Lund.

“At Life Science Sweden, we are delighted to have this collaboration with Medicon Village and Medicon Valley Alliance – a collaboration that has now lasted for more than ten years and has established The Future of Swedish and Danish Life Science as one of the most important life science congresses in Northern Europe,” says Samuel Lagercrantz.

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