
Forskaren in Hagastaden now inagurated

The real estate company Vectura's life science center in Hagastaden, Forskaren, is now inaugurated. The opening was attended by people from the industry, politicians and royalty.

– Our investment in urban development for life science is a powerful investment that opens doors to new collaborations and paves the way for ground-breaking innovations with the goal of saving lives. With Forskaren, we are strengthening Sweden's position and global competitiveness, says Joel Ambré, CEO of Vectura, in a press release.

Forskaren is supposed to be a meeting place for the industry and the public. Today, the building is home to several life science companies and the ground floor houses Tekniska museet’s branch The Cell.

The opening, which lasted for two days, consisted of seminars and musical performances, writes Vectura in a press release.

The first day was attended by, among others, Marcus Wallenberg who, together with Vectura's CEO Joel Ambré, inaugurated the concept "Forskaren for innovation across all borders" with a ribbon cutting. The second day was attended by the Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia as well as Denmark's King and Queen, Fredrik X and Mary, who were in Sweden on a state visit.

The building, which is located in close proximity to the Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital, contains both office and lab spaces and is a meeting place for approximately 1,700 employees.

Tenants in Forskaren


Astra Zeneca

Atlas Antibodies


Sand Clinic


Team Olmed


ABC labs

Tekniska museet

Karolinska institutet

The Park

Source: Vectura

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